Responsible Environmental Practices Society

Our MissionThe Environment

We are dedicated to educating the public about pollution control, the responsible use of our natural resources, recycling, clean energy, and working towards a sustainable planet.

Cleaning up our planet is the responsibility of each and everyone one of us. We need to start looking at our own lifestyle and be pro-active about being part of the solution to the pollution problem. Let's be the answer to the question "Who's going to clean up this mess?"

Do Your Part

  • End wasteful and/or destructive practices.
  • Write letters/send email to your local politicians requesting that our environment be put on the list of important issues.
  • Put pressure on companies to limit the number of mass mailings of unsolicited "junk" mail that they send.
  • Opt out of printed matter mailing lists.
  • Recycle and re-use items.
  • Do your part to get your community involved in clean-up measures.

recycleRecycling Resources Recycling search Sell your used books Buy/sell quality used furniture Buy/sell used clothing

Responsible Environmental Practices Society
© 2019-2024 Heidi Bosch Romano
All rights reserved.